Sunday, January 13, 2008

Still Life


Zachary said...

I think that second to the last one is pretty cool- it's definitely abstract. It takes a second to figure out what's going on.

Kory lynn said...

The green is heaps cool. I like the saturated look. I also like the clay pot, it has a human quality to it because it reminds me of lips.

R.E.BEL. said...

I wish that the first one had a stronger focus point, but the way you've done it is mysterious... so i like that quality about it.
I totally agree with Kory, the first thing I thought of when I saw the clay pot was lips! I like how it goes off the left frame.

Erica Bader said...

The second to last bottle pic is really unexpected. I can't decide what I think about it. I'm gonna have to agree with the comments on the ceramic piece. You caught the profile on it very nicely with the light.