The color saturation is a nice element in these images. it's distracting the the feet in both the top and last image are cut off as that is such a central element in the ideas behind these images. It would be interesting to hear why you chose to show the sky in the first image instead of turning your camera and showing more of the track. Track meets would be a fantastic place to capture "panned" motion. (Look at examples in the textbook)...or even stop motion like you have... I would encourage you to include more images besides just people running as there's so much more to a track meet than that...the crowd, people cheering,the timers, people jumping hurdles, people resting, photojournalism you want to show the whole story as much as possible instead of just a piece...
i love how vivid the colors are in these photos. your top picture is definitely the strongest. the last one probably would have been better if it wasn't cropped. it looks kind of awkward like that.
Great saturation with the colors. I like that you went for a different look with the cropping, but it does seem a little awkward. You really captured the movement though.
i love the colors and saturation of the pictures. it really makes them feel full of life of the track meet. in your pictures, i have gotten a better understanding of the life of track and the various emotions, pressures, and elements that take place.
The color saturation is a nice element in these images. it's distracting the the feet in both the top and last image are cut off as that is such a central element in the ideas behind these images. It would be interesting to hear why you chose to show the sky in the first image instead of turning your camera and showing more of the track. Track meets would be a fantastic place to capture "panned" motion. (Look at examples in the textbook)...or even stop motion like you have... I would encourage you to include more images besides just people running as there's so much more to a track meet than that...the crowd, people cheering,the timers, people jumping hurdles, people resting, photojournalism you want to show the whole story as much as possible instead of just a piece...
i love how vivid the colors are in these photos. your top picture is definitely the strongest. the last one probably would have been better if it wasn't cropped. it looks kind of awkward like that.
Great saturation with the colors. I like that you went for a different look with the cropping, but it does seem a little awkward. You really captured the movement though.
i love the colors and saturation of the pictures. it really makes them feel full of life of the track meet. in your pictures, i have gotten a better understanding of the life of track and the various emotions, pressures, and elements that take place.
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